Live, Learn & Lead

(age 35-55 years)


We understand this life stage involves many transitions and responsibilities - raising children, caring for parents, getting married / divorced, and making career advancements / changes. Our team provides the support and expertise to help you accomplish what really matters to you and your family.

Our life planning program takes your financial and investment planning to a deeper — and more personal — level. You’ll receive a personalized plan and access to tools, insights & our community of leaders so you may enjoy your ideal life.

  • Events

    A variety of virtual & live experiences helps professionals in their mid-life grow personally & professionally.

  • Personal Guidebook

    Our custom guidebook, along with conversations with our team, allows professionals to navigate their complex lives.

  • Online Resources

    Our library of resources include videos, articles, podcasts & more. We continue to gather information & resources to provide greater value.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”

— Walt Disney

Book Recommendations

  • Bestselling author & international speaker, John O’Leary invites us to consider it is possible to once again navigate the world as a child does.

    Identifying the five senses that we’ve lost touch with as we age, O’Leary shares emotional, humorous, and inspirational stories with fascinating new research showing how we can reclaim our childlike joy & change how we interact with the world.

  • We all get stuck. Stuck in our careers. Stuck in bad relationships. Stuck with bad health. The question is not, will we get stuck, but rather, how will you respond when you do?

    Travis Thomas offers a unique and powerful concept for responding to the adversity of life. For the last 17 years, Travis has worked with world-class companies & professional athletes to help them discover and live their brilliance.

  • Bob Chapman and Barry-Wehmiller pioneered a dramatically different approach to leadership that creates off-the-charts morale, loyalty, creativity & business performance. Wehmiller outlines every single person matters.

    Chronicling Chapman’s journey to his true calling, this book provides steps to transform your workplace, whether you lead two people or two hundred thousand.

Let us help you in your personal and professional journey to discover your purpose & find fulfillment. It would be our privilege to share a conversation with you. If you’d like a copy of one of the books listed above, please contact us.