Next Chapter

(age 55-70 years)


Our Next Chapter program helps you outline a meaningful retirement plan which encompasses what is most important to you. After many client advisory groups and hundreds of retirement conversations, our team has created a process to help you navigate this life stage with purpose and excitement.

We align your investment plan and financial plan with your life plan so you can design your ideal experience. Discover how you want to spend your time in retirement, plus the experiences you want to have and the legacy you want to leave.

  • Events

    A variety of virtual & live experiences provides education, entertainment & community.

  • Personal Guidebook

    We’ve created a customized guidebook to achieve success in this unique life stage.

  • Online Resources

    Our library of resources include videos, articles, podcasts & more. We continue to gather information & resources to provide greater value.

“Often when you are at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.”

— Fred Rogers

Book Recommendations

  • It’s time to break the retirement mold and do retirement your way. Whether you want to keep working beyond the traditional retirement years, enjoy a classic retirement playing golf and bridge, go back to school, or start a business, this book offers a clear 7-step roadmap to help you get there and enjoy the journey. Packed with practical guidance, useful research and inspiring stories, this book will motivate & inspire.

  • This book brings all the essential elements to living a fulfilling retirement together in one place. It empowers both prospective and current retirees to envision their future, to develop a personal plan unique to their life circumstances, to stimulate “crucial conversations” to ensure alignment of their vision and plan with those closest to them, and to “practice retirement” for those still working.

  • Retirement can be daunting—how can you make your time as meaningful as possible? Now is the perfect opportunity to focus on you and what’s important. This guided, interactive bucket list packed full of ideas and prompts that will help you fill your days with meaningful, budget-friendly memory-making activities. Build your hobbies, deepen your relationships & enjoy some hard-earned leisure time.

Let us help you dream and plan your retirement years. It would be our privilege to share a conversation with you. If you’d like a copy of one of the books listed above, please contact us.